A lady museum visitor closely observing an encased exhibit at an art museum.

How a Trip to Your Neighborhood Museum is Worth $905 in Social Value to You

Visit your neighborhood museum and “earn” $905 in social value from the experience

A groundbreaking study by the Oregon-based Institute for Learning proves how museums add value to our lives. They even gave it a dollar value: $52 billion.  It confirms the many benefits of enjoying art and culture. In a time when well-being is precious and mental health is declining, this insight offers us an inexpensive, accessible way to stay well….art museums, or any museum for that matter.

The Benefits of An Art Museum Visit

Researchers collected data from over 1,900 museum-goers. They surveyed the participants about how the visit improved their well-being in four areas: personal, intellectual, social, and physical. Then, researchers asked participants to put a dollar value on their well-being benefits, ranging from $0 to $1,000. 

A whopping 95% of museum-goers reported some well-being benefits after their visit. And over 80% reported benefits in all four categories! Then calculations from the participants' responses valued each visit at $905 per person! 

Why Museums Should Matter To You

Some think that museums are boring, dusty places. But this study debunks that. Every visit to a museum bestows significant wellness benefits on the visitor. From enhanced mental health to a greater sense of well-being, the benefits are some pretty life-impacting stuff. 

Five people, who seem captivated, looking at an exhibit at an art museum.

Past studies have shown the same thing. Museums create unique memories and experiences. They are unlike everyday places, offering something meaningful as you observe and experience the exhibits. 

What Museum-Goers Said

Personal Well-Being

Museum visits created a sense of wonder, making people interested and curious. They felt connected, with a stronger sense of identity and personal power.

Physical Well-Being 

Many described feeling safe and secure at the museum. It made them feel more at peace and healthier, restoring them mentally and physically.

Intellectual Well-Being

Visitors felt a sense of awe and appreciation for the natural world. They understood better how the world works and felt they could make better decisions in their lives.

Social Well-Being

The museum experience created opportunities for connecting with others. It gave them knowledge worthy of respect, making them feel more informed and connected.

Why You Might Want to Visit Your Neighborhood Museum ASAP

- To have time alone and to contemplate

A wide shot of a museum, with a large set of stairs leading to it.  Museums offer a profound social value to those who visit

- To enjoy beautiful things

- To decompress and unwind

- To discover something new and interesting

A museum visit can make you feel happy, amazed, and connected. It can fill you with awe, wonder, and curiosity. You can see beautiful, interesting things and ‘refill your cup’ with energy and happiness – $905 worth of happiness per visit!

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