The Power of Art: 33 Reasons to Include More Art In Your Life

The Power of Art: 33 Reasons to Include More Art In Your Life

The ways art can boost mental health are powerful and immense. And we all need more art in our lives so we can replace chaos and stress with awe and wonder. 

It's like this magical portal to a world where colors dance, shapes whisper stories, and emotions flow freely. But a portal that a lot of us don’t visit enough. 

Here is a list of SOME ways experiencing, making, or interacting with art can make your life better, and trust me, it's a journey worth taking.

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  1. Triggers the brain to release feel-good chemicals
  2. Distance you from the stress of your day
  3. Disconnect from difficult emotions
  4. Fills your space with positive energy
  5. Makes you feel seen and heard.
  6. Helps you reflect on experiences
  7. Reduces feelings of helplessness, anger and fear.
  8. Makes you live longer
  9. Promotes mindfulness
  10. Cultivates feelings of well-being
  11. Activates the brains pleasure and reward areas
  12. Decreases stress
  13. Improves concentration and focus
  14. Improves communication
  15. Makes you feel better
  16. Makes your more observant
  17. Give you a sense of purpose
  18. Can be restorative after stress or trauma
  19. Promotes relaxation
  20. Builds resilience
  21. Creates a deep emotional connection
  22. Brings happy emotions associated with color
  23. Nurtures compassion
  24. Helps you be more present
  25. Helps you make meaning from your world experiences
  26. Promotes mindfulness
  27. Relieves anxiety
  28. Builds a positive outlook
  29. Increases blood flow
  30. Calms heart rate
  31. Feelings of awe and belonging to something bigger than yourself
  32. Heighten your curiosity and creativity
  33. Stimulates your senses and lets you experience a state of awe.


What exactly is canvas art? Read more now. 

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